Fernando Peñalosa , born in 1925 in Berkeley, California, is Professor of Sociology, Emeritus, California State University, Long Beach. He has carried out research in California, Hawaii, Mexico, Guatemala, Israel, and Macedonia, and has written and published books in a number of fields. He has published translations from German, Akatek Mayan, and from and to Spanish. The frequent occurrence of the surname Peñalosa is found in the archives of the Spanish Inquisition. His family is descended from a Converso who came to Mexico with Hernán Cortés and the other Spanish invaders in 1520. Yax Té Foundation
Sample stories from
and Legends of the Qánjobál Maya
(Yax Té; Press, copyright @ 1995)
Descendants of those who built the greatest ancient civilization of Central America, there may be as many as 10,000 Qánjobál Maya scattered throughout the United States and Canada, especially in Southern California and Florida.
Yax Té
3520 Coolheights Drive
Rancho Palos Verdes
CA 90275-6231, U. S. A.
Tel/Fax: (310) 377-8763
Permission to reprint given by Fernando Peñalosa
Yax Té Books
Cleveland State University
Rhodes Tower 1654, 2121 Euclid Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Telephone: (216) 687-4797
Fax: (216) 687-4650
The BÉYBÁL Cultural Association cordially invites
all interested persons to participate in the
which will be held July 28-31, 1998 in Guatemala
Indigenous writers who have published works in their own languages (preferably) or other languages, and also non-indigenous persons who have written on indigenous literature of the Americas are invited to submit an abstract of their paper no longer than 3 pages, by April 30, 1998 to give the Organizing Committee enough time to assure their participation. Please include name, address, email address, fax, telephone and title of the paper.
Before the event, the paper should be sent on diskette, or printed on letter-size paper, and should take no longer than 30 minutes to read. The papers will be published at a later date.
Indigenous literatures of the Americas
Poetry and lyric song
Prose, narrative, short stories and fiction
Theatre and drama
Oral tradition, myth, legend, history, fable, comedy, counsel
Worldview and indigenous cultures in literature
Methodologies and techniques of writing indigenous literature
Anthropological and sociological aspects of indigenous literature
Editors, publishers, and publishing
Libraries, archives and writers' organizations
Mass media and indigenous literature
Official languages and literatures in indigenous languages
Indigenous literary currents and trends
Once your participation has been approved, we will
send you a conference
Program. Schedule: July 27, arrival of participants;
July 28-30, the
Congress itself; July 31, excursion to picturesque
places in Guatemala.
In the evening there will be an opportunity to present
literary, theatrical,
dance, music or other performances from Guatemala and
the countries of
origin of the participants.
Guatemala, has 23 different ethnic groups, each with
different clothing,
language and life style. International participants
may wish to bring
their regional costumes, published works, and samples
of their art to
represent the cultural richness of the Americas.
There is a nominal fee of Q.50.00 for Guatemala
participants and
$20.00 (U.S) for those from other countries.
Participants will have to seek financial support
for their
attendance in their countries of origin.
For further information, contact:
Gaspar Pedro
González, (General Coordinator)
Fax: (011) 502-232-2723, Guatemala.
and The Béybál Cultural Association cordially
all interested persons to participate in the
JULY 27-30, 1999
Papers will be accepted from indigenous writers, preferably those who have published in their native languages, but also from literary critics, academics and researchers from all countries. The principal topic will be the following:
Indigenous literature of the Americas
Prose, narratives, stories, fiction
Oral tradition, including myths, legends, fables, oral history
Indigenous world view and culture in literature
Form and content of indigenous literature
Methodology and techniques of indigenous literature
Anthropological aspects of indigenous literature
Pubishing and publishers
Libraries, archives, indigeous writers' organizations
Cultural and language politics in the Americas
Schools and literary currents in indigenous literature
Intererested persons should send a summary of their paper, in an indigenous language, Spanish or English, not to exceed 3 pages before June 30, 1999 to the address below. They should later send the paper printed or on diskette, approximately 10 pages in length, together with the following information:
Name, address, telephone, fax number, email address and the title of the paper. All the papers will be incouded in a publication which will be sent to all the presenters after the Congress.
The program: once we have recorded the information, we will be sending you more detailed information about the program, which will take the following general form:
July 26. Arrival of participants.
July 27-29 Inauguration and conduct of the Congreso.
July 30. Visit to indigenous communities and participaion in a Maya Ceremony.
In the evenings there will be an opportunity to present various cultural and literary activities such as recitals, theatre, dance, and music of the countries of the participants, including Guatemala.
Participants are encouraged to bring their literary and artistic works, as well as typical native dress.
The Congress has no funds to support participants.
We await your response, wishing you Swatxílal hekúl, peace in your hearts, and may peace reign under the Face of the Sky and on the Face of the Land of America.
For further information contact:
Gaspar Pedro
González, Coordinador General
Tel. 232-1107 y 232-0125
Fax: 230-0591 y 232-2023.
Asociación Cultural Béybál
12 calle 10-27, zona 1, Guatemala, Guatemala, C.A.
Tel/fax: 232 2723
e-mail: hmkahn@yaxtebooks.com
Distinguidos amigos:
La Asociación Cultural Béybál y el Ministerio de
Cultura y Deportes
tienen el honor de saludarlos desde Guatemala, y
convoca a todos los interesados a participar en el
que se llevara a cabo en la Ciudad de Guatemala,
del 27 al 30 de julio de 1999.
Podrán participar los escritores indígenas que hayan
publicado (preferiblemente) trabajos literarios en sus
idiomas maternos. También podrán participar críticos
literarios, profesores, estudiosos sobre literatura
indígena de América e investigadores sobre esta
materia decualquier país.
Literatura indígena de América.
Poesía, cantares, lirismo.
Prosa, narrativa, cuentos, ficción.
Tradición oral, mitos, leyendas, fábulas, historias habladas.
Cosmovisión y la cultura indígena en la literatura.
Formas y contenidos de la literatura indígena.
Metodología y técnicas de la literatura indígena.
Aspectos Antropologicos de la literatura indígena.
Las ediciones, los editores, las editoriales.
Bibliotecas, archivos, organizaciones de escritores indígenas.
Políticas culturales, idiomas oficiales,
idiomas indígenas en América.
Escuelas, tendencias, corrientes literarias indígenas.
Otros temas relacionados con la literatura indígena de América.
Los interesados deberán enviar un resumen de su ponencia, antes del 30 de junio de 1999 a la comisión organizadora, ya sea en idiomas indígenas, en castellano o en inglés. El resumen no deberì exceder de tres paginas tamaño carta, posteriormente deberán remitir la Ponencia completa en diskette o impresa, la cual deberì ser de diez paginas aproximadamente, tamaño carta.
Pueden asegurar su participación enviando los siguientes datos: Nombre, dirección, teléfono, fax, correo electrónico, y el título de la ponencia.
Todas las ponencias serán incluidas en una
que se harán llegar a los autores después del
El programa: al tener los datos registrados, les estaremos enviando de vuelta, especificaciones y el programa de actividades que se resume así:
26 de julio, llegada de los participantes.
27-29 julio, inauguración y desarrollo del Congreso.
30 de julio, visita a comunidades indígenas y participación en una Ceremonia Maya.
Por las noches habrá oportunidad de desarrollar actividades culturales y literarias, recitales, teatro, danza, música tanto de Guatemala como de los lugares de procedencia de los participantes.
Los participantes, podrán traer muestras de sus obras literarias, trabajos artísticos y trajes de sus propias comunidades.
Soporte económico: las personas que necesiten del soporte económico para realizar el viaje y participar en el congreso, deberán hacer las gestiones en sus respectivos paises, instituciones o universidades para que los patrocinen.
Al agradecer su amable respuesta, les deseamos Swatxílal hekúl (paz en sus corazones) y que la hermandad reine bajo la faz del cielo y sobre la faz de la tierra americana.
Guatemala, enero de 1999
Para mas información, comuníquese con:
Pedro González, Coordinador General Tel.
232-1107 y 232-0125
Fax: 230-0591 y 232-2023.
Asociación Cultural Béybál
12 calle 10-27 zona 1 Guatemala.
Tel/fax: 232 2723
Yax Té Foundation
3520 Coolheights Dr.
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275-6231
Tel/Fax (310) 377-8763
Yax Té
Yax Té Books
Cleveland State University
Rhodes Tower 1654, 2121 Euclid Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Telephone: (216) 687-4797
Fax: (216) 687-4650
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Compiled by: Glenn Welker
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