Services Kiosk Phone
Numbers: Voice 1-609-825-7776 Fax
1-609-825-7922 Aboriginal
Multi-Media Society of Alberta (AMMSA) Native
American Literature reSources NativeWeb, a union of ancient teachings
and modern technology. Geographic regions, nations, peoples, languages,
education, law and legal issues, literature, newsletters and journals,
organizations... Index of Native American Resources on the
Internet HandiLinks Native
American Student Organizations 21
Native American Organizations You Need to Know Compiled by: Glenn Welker
This site has been accessed 10,000,000 times since February 8, 1996.
"... a database of contact information for
over 1000 organizations, programs and services for people of aboriginal
ancestry in Saskatchewan."
Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians
AIRRNET - American Indian Resources
and Referral Database - for Native peoples in the Twin Cities area.
Alaska's People, Inc. - promoting the
employment and training of Alaska Natives and American Indians.
Albuquerque Indian Center
Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association
- a nonprofit tribal organization of the Aleut people in Alaska
Alliance of Tribal Tourism Advocates -
an association of tribes, Indians,
and non-Indians concerned about responsible tourism development on
reservations and off-reservation Indian communities.
American Indian Business Leaders
American Indian Center of Chicago
American Indian Center of South
American Indian Chamber of Commerce of
American Indian Community House - AICH
- the Big Apple's Indian Center since 1969
American Indian Culture Research
Center - at the Blue Cloud Abbey in SD.
American Indian Education Center - in
American Indian Library Association
American Indian Movement
AIM Support Group of Ohio &
Northern Kentucky
American Indian Policy Center
American Indian Science and
Engineering Society Headquarters - AISES
American Indian Prevention Coalition -
NDNS4Wellnes - an inter-tribal,
non-profit organization promoting safe, healthy and drug-free
Indian communities, families and individuals on and off the
American Indian Society of Washington,
Assembly of First Nations - the major
intertribal government group in Canada
Association Agondachia - Huron-Wendat
organization in Quebec.
Association for the Study of American
Indian Literatures - ASAIL
Association of American Indian
Baltimore American Indian Center
Boys & Girls Clubs in Indian
Bristol Bay Native Association -
Alaska regional native group.
British Columbia Aboriginal Network on
Disability Society
California Indian Museum and Cultural
Center for American Indian Economic
Development (CAIED)
at Northern Arizona University's College of Business Administration.
Chattanooga InterTribal Association
Chiefs of Ontario - a coordinating
body for 134 First Nation communities
located within the boundaries of the Province of Ontario, Canada.
Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish
Congress of Aboriginal Peoples
Canadian organization representing off-reserve aboriginal peoples
Council of Three Rivers American
Indian Center - in Pittsburgh, PA.
The Denver Indian Center
Denver Indian Family Resource Center
Eyapaha Institute - founded by noted
Lakota singer/songwriter/actor
Floyd Red Crow Westerman, " address racism, discrimination,
depredation and genocide of Indigenous Peoples the world..."
First Nations Development Institute -
founded in 1980 to help tribes
build sound, sustainable reservation economies.
Five Civilized Tribes Museum
Fort Erie Native Friendship Centre -
an urban center just across the river from Buffalo
Futures for Children - supporting
Native communities in the southwestern U.S.
and several Latin American countries. Gedakina, Inc. - a nonprofit intertribal
organization in
Vermont offering alternative programs for Eastern First Nations
youth in the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada.
Grand River Employment and Training -
employment for the Onkwehon:we of the Grand River Territory (Ontario)
Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife
Commission - GLIFWC
Great Lakes Intertribal Council -
Native Wisconsin home page
The Hopi Foundation =
Indian Arts & Crafts Association
Indian Defense League of America
Indian Health Service Home Page - from
the U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services,
and including specific information on the twelve IHS area office
hospitals )
Indian Law Resource Center
Institute for Aboriginal Health - at
the University of British Columbia.
Institute for Tribal Environmental
Professionals - ITEP
Intertribal Bison Cooperative - 42
tribes cooperating in
raising and managing a herd of over 8,000 bison.
The Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada
International Indian Treaty Council -
Iroquois Studies Association
Keewaytinook Okimakanak - K-Net, a
non-political Chiefs Council
advising and assisting their Ojibwa-Cree member First Nations.
Lakota Student Alliance
The Lenni Lenape Historical Society
and Museum of Indian Culture
Melungeon Heritage Association, Inc.
Midwest Treaty Network
Migizi Communications, Inc. - an
educational and communications
organization in Minneapolis working for Native peoples A
Mi'kmaq Association for Cultural
Minnesota Indian Affairs Council
Minnesota Indian Women's Resource
Montana -
Wyoming Tribal Leaders Council
National Association of Friendship
Centres - Indian centers in Canada
National Center for American Indian
and Alaska Native Mental Health Research
National Center for American Indian
Enterprise Development
National Coalition on Racism in Sports
and the Media (NCRSM)
National Congress of American Indians
the biggest and oldest of the national Indian organizations.
NICWA - National Indian Child Welfare
National Indian Gaming Association
National Indian Justice Center
National Indian Women's Health
Resource Center
National Museum of the American Indian
- our new museum at the Smithsonian Institution.
National Native American AIDS
Prevention Center
National Native American EMS
National Society for American Indian
Elderly - NSAIE
National Tribal Development Association
National Urban Indian Family Coalition
- "a coalition of nonprofit urban Indian
community centers representing 12 of the largest and most comprehensive
Urban Indian populations in the country."
Native American Art Studies
Native American Business Alliance
Native American Cultural Center
(Rochester, NY)
Native American Organizations And Urban Indian Centers
Native American Recreation & Sport
Institute - NARSI
Native American Rights Fund - NARF
Native American Sports Council - NASC
- a member of the U.S. Olympic Committee.
Native American Women's Health
Education Resource Center
a grassroots organization based at Yankton, SD
Native Men's Residence - a temporary
home for Native men in Toronto.
North American Indian Legal Services -
Sisseton-Wahpeton attorney Brenda J. Bellonger.
North American Native Bankers
Northern California Indian Development
Northwest Indian Housing Association
Odawa Native Friendship Centre
Oklahoma Indian Affairs Commission
Ontario First Nations Technical
Services Corporation
Red Earth, Inc. - an Oklahoma
City-based nonprofit organization
whose mission is to promote, preserve,
and promulgate the rich
traditions of American Indian History
and Cultures.
San Diego American Indian Health
Seventh Generation Fund - the only
Native American intermediary foundation and
advocacy organization dedicated to
promoting and maintaining
the uniqueness of Native Peoples and nations.
Small Business Administration. Office
of Native American Affairs
Society for Advancement of Chicanos
and Native Americans in Science - SACNAS
South and Meso American Indian Rights
Center - SAIIC
South Carolina Indian Affairs
Southern California Indian Center,
Treaty 7 Management Corporation - from
Alberta, Canada
Tribal Court Clearinghouse - a
resource for tribal justice systems and others i
nvolved in the enhancement of justice
in Indian country.
Tribal Preservation Program - from the
National Park Service.
Tulsa Creek Indian Community
Union of British Columbia Indian
Confederation Of the Taino People
United Indian Cultural Group, Inc. -
supporting the religious
freedom of Native inmates in Kansas
UNITY - United National Indian Tribal
USET - United South and Eastern Tribes
Virginia Council on Indians
Virginia Indian Tribal Alliance for
Visions - Native health in Canada.
Waseskun Network - a totally Native
community residential centre (CRC)
in the province of Quebec for First
Nations men.
We'kopekwitk Metis Council - in Nova
Woodland Cultural Centre - in Ontario.
Wordcraft Circle of Native Writers
& Storytellers.
Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation -
culturally relevant programs
for primary care, prevention and
health promotion.
Inter-Tribal Council Inc.
Name: Ms. Maria Anani Jimeez
President/ CEO
Type of
NA Educational Cultural Non-Profit
Mailing Address: 527 Mulberry Street
Millville, New Jersey 08332 USA
E-Mail Address: or
Tribal Web Page
The Aboriginal Multi-Media Society of Alberta is an independent
Aboriginal communications organization committed to facilitating the
exchange of information reflecting Aboriginal culture to a growing and
diverse audience. AMMSA is dedicated to providing objective, mature and
balanced coverage of news, information and entertainment relevant to
Aboriginal issues and peoples while maintaining profound respect for
the values, principles and traditions of Aboriginal people.
American Organizations
Alexie, Sherman. (1994) Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight In Heaven. New York: Harperperennial. (RF - YA)
Allen, Paula Gunn. (2001) As Long As the Rivers Flow: The Stories of Nine Native Americans. New York: Scholastic (B - E/M)
Ancona, George. (1993) Powwow. San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. (NF - All ages)
Ancona, George. (1995). Earth Daughter: Alicia of Acoma Pueblo. Macmillan. (NF - All ages)
Andrews, Jan. (1998). Very Last First Time. Aladdin (NF - All ages).
Archuleta, Margaret L., Brenda J. Child,
and K. Tsianina Lomawaima. (2000) Away from Home: American Indian
Boarding School Experiences. Phoenix: The Heard Museum. (NF - YA)
Braine, Susan. (1995). Drumbeat…Heartbeat: A Celebration of the Powwow. Lerner Pub. (NF - All ages)
Broker, Ignatia. (1983) Night Flying Woman. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society. (HF - YA)
Bruchac, Joseph. (1993). Fox Song. Philomel Books (F - E/M).
Bruchac, Joseph. (1995). The Story of the Milky Way. Dial Books for Young Readers (TL - All ages).
Bruchac, Joseph. (1996). Eagle Song. Dial (F - E/M).
Bruchac, Joseph. (1998) Arrow Over the Door. New York: Dial. (HF - E/M)
Bruchac, Joseph. (1997) Bowman's Store. New York: Dial. (Autobiography - M/YA)
Bruchac, Joseph. (1996) Children of the Longhouse. New York: Dial. (HF - E/M)
Bruchac, Joseph. (1998). Heart of a Chief. Dial (F - M).
Bruchac, Joseph. (2001) Skeleton Man. HarperCollins. (RF - M/YA)
Campbell, Maria. (1973) Halfbreed. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press (RF - M/YA)
Champagne, Duane. (1994) Chronology of Native North American History. Detroit: Gale Research (NF - All ages)
Champagne, Duane. (1994) Native America: Portrait of the Peoples. Detroit: Visible Ink Press. (NF - All ages)
Child, Brenda. (2000). Boarding School Seasons: American Indian Families, 1900-1940. Bison Books Corporation. (NF - All ages)
Children of LaLoche & Friends. (1990). Byron through the Seasons. Fifth House Ltd. (F - E/M).
Crum, Robert. (1994). Eagle Drum: On the Powwow Trail with a Young Grass Dancer. Simon & Schuster. (NF - All ages)
Deloria, Ella. (1988) Waterlily. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. (HF - M/YA).
Deloria, Vine. (1969). Custer Died For Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto. New York: MacMillan. (NF - M/YA)
Dorris, Michael. (1994) Guests. New York: Scholastic (HF - E/M)
Dorris, Michael (1992) Morning Girl. New York: Scholastic (HF - E/M).
Dorris, Michael. (1996). Sees Behind Trees. New York: Scholastic (HF - E/M)
Dorris, Michael. (1998). The Window. Hyperion (F - M/YA).
Eastman, Charles. (1977) From the Deep Woods to Civilization. University of Nebraska Press. (AB - M/YA)
Eastman, Charles (1993) Indian Boyhood. Alexander, VA: Time Life Books. (AB - M/YA)
Ellis, Clyde. (1996). To Change Them
Forever: Indian Education at the Rainy Mountain Boarding School,
1893-1920. University of Oklahoma Press. (NF - M/YA)
Erdrich, Louise. (1999). Grandmother's Pigeon. Hyperion (F - E).
Erdrich, Louise. (1999). Birchbark House. New York: Hyperion. (HF - E/M)
Eyvindson, Peter. (1984). Kyle's Bath. Pemmican Publications (F - E).
Eyvindson, Peter. (1988). Chester Bear, Where Are You? Pemmican Publications (F - E).
Gravelle, Karen. (1997). Growing Up Where the Partridge Drums Its Wings. Franklin Watts. (NF - All ages)
Francis, Lee. (1996). Native Time: A Historical Time Line of Native America. New York: St. Martin's Griffin. (NF - All Ages)
Geiogamah, Hanay & Darby, Jaye T.,
(1999). Stories of Our Way: An Anthology of American Indian Plays. Los
Angeles: UCLA American Indian Studies Center. (Anthology - YA).
Hale, Janet Campbell. (1993). Bloodlines. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. (RF - YA).
Hale, Janet Campbell. (1998). The Owl's Song. University of New Mexico Press (RF - YA).
Harjo, Joy. (1996) Woman Who Fell From the Sky. W. W. Norton & Company (P - YA)
Harjo, Joy. (2000). The Good Luck Cat. (RF - E/M)
Hoyt-Goldsmith, Diane. (1991). Pueblo Storyteller. Holiday House. (NF - All ages)
Hoyt-Goldsmith, Diane. (1990), Totem Pole, Holiday House. (NF - All ages)
Hubbard, Jim. (1994) Shooting Back from the Reservation. (NF - All ages)
Hucko, Bruce. (1996) A Rainbow At Night: The World in Words and Pictures. San Francisco: Chronicle Books. (NF - All ages)
Hucko, Bruce. (1996). Where There Is No
Name for Art: The Art of Tewa Pueblo Children. Santa Fe, N.M.: School
of American Research: Distributed by the University of Washington
Press. (NF - All ages)
Hungry Wolf, Beverly. (1980). The Ways of My Grandmothers. New York: Quill. (RF - YA)
Hunter, Sally, M. (1997) Four Seasons of
Corn: A Winnebago Tradition. Photographs by Joe Allen. Minneapolis, MN:
Lerner Publications Co.,
Hunter, Sara Hoagland. (1996). The Unbreakable Code. Northland (RF - E/M).
Hyer, Sally. (1990). One House, One Voice,
One Heart: Native American Education at the Santa Fe Indian School.
Museum of New Mexico Press. (NF - All ages)
Johnson, Diane Hamm. (1997). Daughter of Suqua. Albert Whitman & Co. (RF - E/M).
Keeshig-Tobias, Lenore. (1991). Bird Talk. Sister Vision (RF - E/M).
Keeshig-Tobias, Lenore. (1997). Emma and the Trees. Sister Vision (RF - E/M).
King, Sandra. Shannon: An Ojibway Dancer.
(1993). Photographs by Catherine Whipple. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner
Publications Co. (NF - All ages)
King, Thomas. (1993 ) One Good Story That One. Toronto: HarperPerennial. (RF - YA)
King, Thomas. (1991) Medicine River. NY: Penguin. (RF - YA)
King, Thomas. (1992) A Coyote Columbus Story. Toronto: Douglas McIntyre Ltd. (TL - M/YA)
King, Thomas. (2000) Truth and Bright Water. Atlantic Monthly Press. (RF - YA)
Krull, Kathleen. (1995). One Nation, Many Tribes: How Kids Live in Milwaukee's Indian Community. Lodestar. (NF - All ages)
Kusugak, Michael. (1993). Northern Lights: The Soccer Trails. Annick Press Ltd. (RF - E/M).
Kusugak, Michael. (1996). My Arctic 1, 2, 3. Annick Press Ltd. (RF - E).
Lacapa, Michael. (1993). Antelope Woman, An Apache Folktale. (TL - E/M)
Lacapa, Kathleen & Michael. (1994). Less Than Half, More Than Whole. Northland (RF - E/M).
LaFlesche, Francis. (1963)The Middle Five: Indian Schoolboys of the Omaha Tribe. Lincoln: U of Neb. Press. (NF - M/YA)
Littlechild, George. (1993) This Land is My Land. Children's Book Press. (RF - All ages)
Lomawaima, K. Tsianina (1994). They Called It Prairie Light. University of Nebraska Press (NF - M/YA).
Marra, Ben. (1996) Powwow: Images Along the Red Road. Photographs by Ben Marra. New York: Abrams. (NF - All ages)
McDonald, Megan. (1997). Tundra Mouse. Orchard Books (RF - E/M).
McMillan, Bruce. (1998) Salmon Summer. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company. (NF - All ages)
Mercredi, Morningstar. (1997). Fort Chipewyan Homecoming: A Journey to Native Canada. Lerner Pub. (NF - All ages)
Mendoza, Durango (1994) "Summer Water and
Shirley" in Judith A. Stanford, Ed. Connections: Reading and Writing in
Cultural Contexts., Third Edition. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield
Publishing, pp. 184-191. (Anthology - YA)
Momaday, N. Scott (1974) An Angle of Geese and Other Poems. Boston: Godine (P - YA)
Momaday, N. Scott (1999) Circle of Wonder. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. (RF - E/M)
Montour, Joel. (1996). Cloudwalker: Contemporary Native American Stories. Fulcrum (RF - M).
McNickle, D'Arcy.(1988) Wind from an Enemy Sky. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press (RF - YA)
Munsch, Robert. (1989). A Promise Is a Promise. Annick Press Ltd. (RF - E/).
Okanagan Tribal Council (1999) How Food Was
Given, How Names Were Given, and How Turtle Set the Animals Free.
Okanagan Tribal Council. (TL - All Ages)
Orie, Sandra DeCoteau. (1995) Did You Hear
Wind Sing Your Name? An Oneida Song of Spring. New York: Walker &
Co. (P - all ages)
Ortiz, Simon. (1988). The People Shall Continue. Children's Book Press. (P - all ages)
Parker, Dorothy R. (1996). Phoenix Indian School: The Second Half Century. University of Arizona Press. (NF - YA)
Peters, Russell. (1992) Clambake: A
Wampanoag Tradition. Photographs by John Madama. Minneapolis, MN:
Lerner Publications Co., 1992. (NF - All ages)
Quoyawayma, Polingaysi. (1964). No Turning
Back. A Hopi Indian Woman's Struggle to Live in Two Worlds. University
of New Mexico Press (AB - M/YA).
Red Shirt, Delphine (1998). Bead on an Anthill: A Lakota Childhood Lincoln: U of Nebraska Press. (NF - YA)
Regguinti, Gordon. (1992) The Sacred
Harvest: Ojibway Wild Rice Gathering. Photographs by Dale Kakkak.
Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications Co., (NF - All ages)
Rendon, Marcie. (1996) Powwow Summer: A
Family Celebrates the Circle of Life. Photographs by Cheryl Walsh
Bellville. Minneapolis, MN: Carolrhoda Books. (NF - All ages)
Rockwood, Joyce. (1976) To Spoil the Sun. New York: Henry Holt (HF - M/YA)
Roessel, Monty. (1993) Kinaaldá: A Navajo Girl Grows Up. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications Co. (NF - All ages)
Roessel, Monty. (1995) Songs from the Loom:
A Navajo Girl Learns to Weave. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications Co.
(NF - All ages).
Roessel, Ruth. (1973). Navajo Stories of the Long Walk Period. Tsaile, AZ: Navajo Community College Press. (NF - YA)
Rose, LaVera. (1999) Grandchildren of the
Lakota. Photographs by Cheryl Walsh Bellville. Minneapolis, MN:
Carolrhoda Books. (NF - All ages)
Ross, Gayle (1995) How Turtle's Back Was Cracked: A Traditional Cherokee Tale. New York: Dial (TL - E/M)
Ross, Gayle (1996) The Legend of the Windigo. New York: Dial (TL - E/M)
Ruoff, A. Lavonne Brown. (1991) Literatures of the American Indian. New York: Chelsea House (NF - All ages)
Sanderson, Esther. (1990). Two Pairs of Shoes. Pemmican Publications (RF - E).
Savageau, Cheryl. (1996). Muskrat Will Be Swimming. Northland (RF - E/M).
Scott, Ann Herbert. (1992). On Mother's Lap. Clarion (RF - E).
Sekaquaptewa, Eugene. (1994). Coyote & the Winnowing Birds. Clear Light (TL - All ages).
Skolnick, Sharon. (1997) Where Courage is Like a Wild Horse. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. (RF - YA)
Smith, Cynthia. (2000). Jingle Dancer. Morrow Junior (RF - E/M).
Smith, Cynthia (1999). Rain is Not My Indian Name. New York: HarperCollins (RF - E/M)
Smith, Cynthia (2002). Indian Shoes. New York: HarperCollins (RF-E/M)
Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk (1995). Completing the Circle. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press (Autobiography - YA)
Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk. (1993). The Chichi Hoohoo Bogeyman. University of Nebraska Press (RF - E/M).
Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk (1993) The Sioux: A First Americans Book. Holiday House. (NF - All ages).
Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk. (1993). When Thunders Spoke. University of Nebraska Press (F - E/M).
Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk, (1994). The Nez Perce: A First Americans Book. Holiday House. (NF - All ages).
Sneve, Viriginia Driving Hawk (1994). The Seminoles: A First Americans Book. Holiday House. (NF - All ages).
Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk. (1995). High Elk's Treasure. Holiday House (RF - E/M).
Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk, (1995) The Hopis: A First Americans Book. Holiday House (NF - All ages)
Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk, (1995) The Iroquois: A First Americans Book. Holiday House (NF - All ages)
Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk. (1995) The Navajos: A First Americans Book. Holiday House (NF - All ages)
Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk (1996). The Cherokees: A First Americans Book. Holiday House. (NF - All ages).
Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk, (1996) The Cheyennes: A First Americans Book. Holiday House. (NF - All ages).
Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk, (1997), The Apaches: A First Americans Book. Holiday House. (NF - All ages).
Steltzer, Ulli. Building an Igloo. New York: Henry Holt, 1995.
Sterling, Shirley. (1997). My Name is Seepeetza. Douglas & McIntyre (RF - M).
Stroud, Virginia. (1994). Doesn't Fall Off His Horse. Dial Books for Young Readers (TL - All ages).
Students of G.T. Cunningham Elementary School (1996). We Are All Related: A Celebration of Our Cultural Heritage. (NF- all ages)
Swamp, Jake. (1997) Giving Thanks: A Native American Good Morning Message. Lee & Low. (P - all ages)
Swentzell, Rina. (1992) Children of Clay: A Family of Pueblo Potters, Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications Co., 1992.
Talashoema, Herschel; Sekaquaptewa, Emory (Ed.); & Pepper, Barbara (Ed.). (1994). iClear Light. (TL - All ages).
Tapahonso, Luci (1997). Blue Horses Rush In. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. (P/RF - YA)
Tapahonso, Luci. (1999). Songs of Shiprock Fair. Kiva (P - All ages).
Thompson, Sheila. (1991). Cheryl's Potlatch. Yinka Dene Language Institute. (NF - All ages)
Turcotte, Mark. (1995). Songs of Our Ancestors. Chicago: Children's Press (P - All ages)
Van Camp, Richard; ill. by George Littlechild, (1997). A Man Called Raven. Children's Book Press. (RF - E/M)
Van Camp, Richard; ill. by George
Littlechild, (1998). What's the Most Beautiful Thing you Know about
Horses. Children's Book Press. (RF - E/M)
Velarde, Pablita. (1993) Old Father Storyteller. Santa Fe: Clear Light Publishers. (TL - all ages) - includes "Turkey Girl"
Waboose, Jan Bourdeau. (1998). Morning on the Lake. Kids Can Press (RF - E/M).
Waboose, Jan Bourdeau (2001). Sky Sisters. (MF - E/M)
Wallis, Velma. (1993) Two Old Women. New York: HarperPerennial (HF - M/YA)
Walking Turtle, Eagle. (1997). Full Moon Stories. Hyperion (TL - All ages).
Wheeler, Bernelda. (1995). Where Did You Get Your Moccasins? Peguis Publications (RF - E).
Wheeler, Bernelda. (1993). I Can't Have Bannock but the Beaver Has a Dam. Peguis Publications (RF - E).
Whitethorne, Baje. (1994). Sunpainters: Eclipse of the Navajo Sun. Northland (TL - All ages).
Wittstock, Laura Waterman. (1993).
Ininatig's Gift of Sugar: Traditional Native Sugarmaking. Photographs
by Dale Kakkak. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications Co. (NF - All ages)
Wood, Ted. (1992). A Boy Becomes a Man at Wounded Knee. Walker and Company. (NF - All ages)
Yamane, Linda. (1997) Weaving a California
Tradition: A Native American Basket Maker. Photographs by Dugan
Aguilar. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications. (NF - All ages)
Native American Organizations
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