UN celebrated International Day Indigenous People.
QÕorianka Kilcher, Huachipaeri Quechua.
Humans Rights, dignity and development with identity.
International Day of the WorldÕs
Indigenous People
9 August 2006.
Dag Hammarskjšld Library Auditorium, United Nations Headquarters Programme of Activities
FILM SCREENING. Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations (Film by Rebecca Sommer for Secretariat UNPFII, 2005)
Welcome and Spiritual Ceremony by Barbara James Snyder (Washoe & Paiute Nations, North America)
Message of the Secretary General, Kofi Annan The annual observance of this International Day recognizes the achievements of the worldÕs indigenous people, who number more than 370 million and who live in some 70 countries. But it is also a moment to acknowledge the critical challenges they face.
Much remains to be done to alleviate the poverty faced by many indigenous people; to protect them against massive violations of human rights; and to safeguard against the discrimination that, for example, forces many indigenous girls to drop out of school.
Message of the Jose Antonio OcampoUnder-Secretary-General for
Economic and Social Affairs and
Coordinator of the Second International Decade
of the World's Indigenous People
Indigenous peoples have come a long way at the United Nations since the first time we celebrated the International Day of the WorldÕs Indigenous People. In a prominent example, from just a few weeks ago, our newly constituted Human Rights Council adopted the United Nations draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. We hope that the General Assembly will formally adopt the Declaration at its 61st session, precipitating a shift in the paradigm of human rights and development discourse and action that will itself make a marked and positive difference in the lives of indigenous peoples.
Johan Scholvinck, DirectorDivision Social Policy and Development DESA.
Indigenous Peoples: human rights, dignity and development with identity
Phrang Roy, Assistant-President on Special Assignment for Indigenous
and Tribal Issues, IFAD;
Wilton Littlechild (Cree Nation-Canada), Member of the UN Permanent
Forum on Indigenous Issues;
Romy Tincopa, Counsellor of the Permanent Mission of Peru;
Q'orianka Kilcher, Actress, lead role of Pocahontas in the 2005 Hollywood film, The New World.
Moderated by: Sonia Smallacombe (Maramanindji- Asutralia)
William Littlechild
Member of the UN Permanent Forum on
Indigenous Issues.
Phrang Roy, Assistant-President on Special Assignment for Indigenous and Tribal Issues, IFAD
Romy Tincopa, Counselor of the Permanent Mission of Peru.
QÕORIANKA Kilcher, young actress is a descendant SPEECH BY QÕORIANKA KILCHER. At the UNITED NATIONS NY, Aug.9th,2006>
It is a great honor to be joining you here today and be given time to address this panel I would like to give my deepest thanks to the The topic of discussion this
afternoon is ÒIndigenous Peoples: human rights, dignity and development with
in commemoration
of the International Day of the Worlds Indigenous People at United Nations.
Secretariat of the United Nations Permanent Forum
on Indigenous Issues for the invitation.
As a young person I feel a strong responsibility towards the dream for Universal dignity, compassion and basic Human Rights ... as a form of true human development. It is difficult for me to speak about economic development without talking about basic rights to lands and resources, culture and identity, and self-determination. While looking into the future, we have to ensure that Human rights and environmental abuses are not committed in the name of economic development. There is a clear connection between pressing environmental issues and human rights abuse. The stereotypical image of indigenous peoples being savages, primitive and ignorant Éand our developed nations being more civilized and advanced is not accurate by any means, taking into consideration that in the name of development we are the leaders of Environmental destruction É.
Destroying our earthÕs eco system and endangering our childrenÕs future. We are ignoring the fact that we cannot eat, drink or breath profit or money!!! yes">Traditionally indigenous peoples around the world have live in harmony with mother earth and their lifestyles are based on environmentally sustainable principles and practices. Without exploiting and destroying their childrenÕs future É In the video we just watched Kofi Annan summed it all up in one sentence when he saidÉÉ
ÔHistorically and sadly for far to long, the hopes and aspirations of indigenous peoples have been ignored, their lands have been taken, their languages and customs suppressed, their wisdom and traditional knowledge overlooked and their sustainable ways of developing natural resources dismissed.Õ But these issues are not just a dark chapter in the past É amidst todayÕs civilization and development these same issues remain a harsh reality for many indigenous peoples around the world who continue to be excluded from the decision making processÉ.. Projects that exploit their lands, natural resources and cultures are often not done with their consent. Many of them are still forcibly removed from their ancestral territories, are still subjected to the worst forms of discrimination and human rights abuse and therefore continuously suffer from extreme and chronic poverty.
It is embarrassing to see how little we have learned from our past. An issue very close to my heart is that of the indigenous peoples in my beloved country Peru. During my recent visit to the highlands and Amazon regions of Peru I spend a lot of time trying to understand some of the more pressing isses. I visited several remote Amazon communities, devastated and contaminated by multi national oil companies and their greed. I met with leaders from several communities and was invited to witness first hand how proud, self-sufficient and knowledgeable the people of these Amazon federations are.
They are self-reliant; they know how to work their lands and how to protect their environment most efficiently. . It occurred to me that the poor living conditions and economic hardships found in my country seem to stem more from the fact that most indigenous people interests are not represented by the state government. Their pleas to be directly involved with plans involving their homelands and future, so often go ignored, while their ancestral territories and livelihoods are wiped out Ð and future generations are faced with the threat of extinction. I know their plight sadly is replicated in many parts of the world. What lies ahead for the young Indigenous generations?
There are many similarities indigenous youth share in regards to our culture and our struggles. Our existence and voice needs to be reflected in elections, and statistics. We need to be recognized, Our voices need to be heard. We need dignity and self-respect to be strong and use our youthful ability towards critical thinking to be rebellious against failure and discrimination! We need solidarity, because our struggle is long and many challenges remain.
There are many young every day heroes in our indigenous communities, but their voices are seldom heard. Their dedication and work seldom recognized Éand their dignity often stripped away by lack of opportunity and discrimination. I would like to draw your attention a bit to the concept of dignity as it pertains to todayÕs youth in the context of how indigenous peoples are represented in popular culture, popular media and cinema. It is more often than not Òwithout dignityÓ They are shown as people who are barbaric, who are uneducatedÉthis is, as you know an inaccurate, incomplete picture. And as young indigenous actress and viewer I am definitely questioning this kind of representation.
With that said, I also realize the powerful force todayÕs media has on my generation in this new age of information and technology. And I see real opportunity and importance in utilizing those powers responsibly. And for the positive. As a young artist I feel a strong responsibility to use my voice and take initiative to bring about positive change É it is up to my generation to make a difference. If we donÕt act today, it will be too late. I am here today because I truly believe that the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues ensures that the world hears the voices of indigenous peoples.
Through the efforts of the international indigenous peoplesÕ movement and their dynamic partnership with the United Nations system, the struggles of the people for cultural survival, human rights, development and peace have finally been brought to the attention of the international community. And now that we have a Second Decade of the WorldÕs Indigenous Peoples we should highlight the Global importance Indigenous Issues have to all of us as humanity Ébecause by protecting indigenous peoples and cultures we are protecting the cultural human heritage and biodiversity of our world. The final adoption of the Universal Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples at the General Assembly this fall is brought about by almost two decades of tireless advocacy by indigenous people representatives.
My Hope is that all of our nationÕs leaders have the wisdom to see the need to come together to adopt this universal Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous peoplesÉ So that we, as human beings, re-capture the true meaning of the word evolution compassion and justice. In closing, I would like to pay tribute to the partnerships between indigenous and non-indigenous people. Without the partnerships and solidarity of our friends, it would have been even harder to get where we have arrived today. Indigenous people need solidarity and support now more than ever before. It is through our collective conscience to end widespread human rights violations and discrimination in all its forms, that we find our Identity and what it means to be truly ÉÉ
As a young person, I feel a great responsibility towards the outcome of our future here on this earth. If we donÕt act today, it will be too late.
Thank you
NACIONES UNIDAD CELEBRO EL DIA INTERNACIONAL DE LOS PUEBLOS INDIGENAS. QÕORIANKA Kilcher, joven estrella del cine particip— en este evento reportando sus experiencias la visitar comunidades ind’genas de los andes y el bosque tropical del Perœ, Ella desciende del pueblo Huachipaeri-Quechua del Perœ, y represent— a Pocahontas en la pel’cula Nuevo Mundo.
En un mensaje escrito el Secretario General de la UNO Koffi Anan dijo que el D’a Internacional reconoce los logros del mundo ind’gena cuyo numero alcanza los 370 millones en 70 pa’ses, pero tambiŽn es un momento para tomar conocimiento de los desaf’os cr’ticos que ellos enfrentan. Mucho queda para aliviar la pobreza de la poblaci—n ind’gena y la protecci—n contra la violaci—n masiva de los derechos humanos, y la seguridad contra la discriminaci—n como por ejemplo el abandono de la escuela de las ni–as ind’genas.
Discurso por Q'orianka Kilcher. En Las Naciones Unidas Nueva York, Aug. 9th de 2006
Es un grato honor reunirme con ustedes en este panel para conmemorar en las Naciones Unidad el D’a Internacional de los Pueblos Ind’genas. Quiero brindar mi m‡s profundo agradecimiento a la Secretaria del Foro Permanente para los Asuntos Ind’genas de la Naciones Unidas por esta invitaci—n.
Mi nombre es QÕrorianka que significa Aguila Dorada en mi lengua nativa Quechua, y soy descendiente de los Huachipaeri u Quechua del Perœ.
Como joven que soy siento una fuerte responsabilidad hacia el sue–o de la dignidad universal, la compasi—n y b‡sicos derechos humanos como una forma del verdadero desarrollo.
Es dif’cil hablar del desarrollo econ—mico sin hablar de los derechos b‡sicos a la tierra y a los recursos, a la cultura a la identidad y la propia determinaci—n.
Mientras buscamos en el futuro, nosotros debemos asegurarnos que los Derechos Humanos y el abuso al medio ambiente no sean concordados en nombre del desarrollo econ—mico. Hay una clara conexi—n entre los apremiantes problemas ambientales y el abuso en materia de los derechos humanos.
La estereotipada imagen que de los ind’genas son salvajes, primitivos, ignorantes y nuestro desarrollo de naciones m‡s civilizadas y avanzadas no es exacta en ningœn entendimiento, teniendo en consideraci—n que en nombre del desarrollo nosotros estamos liderando la destrucci—n del medio ambienteÉ
La destrucci—n del ecosistema de la tierra pone en peligro el futuro de los ni–os y ni–as.
ÒHist—ricamente y tristemente desde- dice Kofi Annan- hace largo tiempo las esperanzas y aspiraciones de los pueblos ind’genas han sido ignorados , sus tierras han sido tomadas, sus lenguajes y costumbres suprimidas, y la sabidur’a y sus conocimientos tradicionales dejados de lado y las formas de sustento y el desarrollo de sus recursos naturales disminuidos.Ó
Durante mi reciente visita a las altiplanicies y a la regi—n amaz—nica del Perœ yo pase un largo tiempo tratando de entender algunos de los m‡s apremiante problemas. VisitŽ remotas comunidades en la Amazon’a desvastada por la contaminaci—n derramada por las multinacionales petroleras y su avaricia.
Tuve encuentros con muchos l’deres de las comunidades y fui testigo de primera mano y me sent’ orgullosa de la forma como la autosuficiencia y el conocimiento que tienen estas federaciones amaz—nicas.
Encontramos en nuestra juventud ind’genas bastante similitudes en compartir nuestra cultura y nuestra luchas, necesitamos que nuestras necesidades se vean reflejadas en las elecciones y el las estad’sticas, Nosotros debemos ser reconocidos y nuestras voces escuchadas. Nosotros necesitamos dignidad y respeto para ser fuertes u usar nuestro habilidad critica pensando como rebelarnos contra la discriminaci—n.
Como una joven artista me siento con la fuerte responsabilidad de usar mi voz y tomar la iniciativa para brindar un positive cambio, esto significa para mi generaci—n hacer la diferencia. Si nosotros no actuamos ahora luego ser‡ muy tarde.
Y ahora que contamos con una Segunda DŽcada los Pueblos Ind’genas del mundo debemos destacar la importancia global que los problemas ind’genas que comprendemos todos nosotros como humanidad... porque protegiendo los pueblos y culturas ind’genas estamos protegiendo la herencia cultural y la biodiversidad de nuestro mundo.
La adopci—n final de la Declaraci—n Universal en las Derechos de los Pueblos Ind’genas en la Asamblea General este oto–o es logrado por casi por casi dos dŽcadas de una defensa infatigable de los representantes ind’genas.
Mi esperanza es que los l’deres de las naciones del mundo puedan ver la necesidad que todos adopten la Universal Declaraci—n de los Derechos de los Pueblos Ind’genas.
Para terminar me gustar’a rendir tributo al compa–erismo entre pueblos ind’genas y no ind’genas. Sin esa solidaridad de nuestros amigos hubiera sido muy duro conseguir lo que hemos logrado ahora. Los pueblos Ind’genas necesitan solidaridad y apoyo ahora m‡s que nunca.
A travŽs de nuestra conciencia colectiva poner fin a la extensi—n de las violaciones de los derechos humanos y la discriminaci—n en todas sus formas y que nosotros podemos encontrar nuestra identidad y que ello signifique ser verdaderamente una persona humana.
Organized by the Secretariat of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues DSPD/DESA and the NGO Committee on the International Decade of the WorldÕs Indigenous Peoples.
QÕorianka Mom, Pamela Kraft, (Tribal Link), QÕorianka Kilcher,
Master of Ceremonies: Roberto
Mœcaro Borrero (Ta’no, Puerto Rico), Chairperson,
NGO Committee on the
International Decade of the WorldÕs Indigenous Peoples.
Indigenous Art Exhibition by Inty Muenala (Kichwa) and
QÕorianka Kilcher actress in the Hollywood film, New World. 2005 at United Nations Headquarters on 9 August 2006.
Indigenous Cultural Performances Crimea Tatar Ukraine
Tama Waipara (Maori New Zealand).
Rebecca Sommer. Film Screening: Indigenous People UN
Barbara James Snyder (Washoe & Paiute Nations North America)
Welcome and Spiritual
Hue Lui and Mariana Lopez, Secretariat Permanent Forum II.
QÕorianqa Kilcher, Marie-Daniel Samuel
Eliane Lacroix-Hopson ( Yachayhuasi ONG)
Roberco Mucaro and family.
Amparo Silva (Syracuse University) , Miriam Masaquiza (Secretaria PFIII UN)
Blanca Bayona, Camille Linen, Miguel Ib‡–ez y Gladys Silva (H‡bitat Pro Association)
Miriam Masaquiza, Secretariat Permanent Forum II, Sonia Smallacombe (Maramanindji- Australia)
Manuel Ibanez (Habitat Pro Peru) and QÕorianka Kilcher.
Alex Quiroz, Blanca Bayona, Camille Linen, Gladys Silva
Miguel Ibanez from H‡bitat Pro Association at United Nation New York
International Day of the WorldÔs Indigenous People, 9
August 2006.
*The International Day of the WorldÕs Indigenous Peoples is officially commemorated on 9 August annually in recognition of the first meeting of the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations in Geneva in 1982Visit:
International Day of the WorldÕs Indigenous People
Additional Programs in Commemoration of the International Day of the WorldÕs Indigenous Peoples will take place at the American Museum of Natural History on Saturday 12 August, 2006. For more information contact the American Museum of Natural History at (212) 769-5758.
HABITAT PRO ASSOCIATION Habitat_pro@yahoo.com
migueliba@yahoo.com VISIT WEB SITE:
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